It has been known for a while that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) plays a valuable role in children’s brain and eye development and is therefore important for women to consume during pregnancy. That’s one reason the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends including limited amounts of fish in pregnant women’s diets since fish are a major source of this DHA. 

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) are considered “essential fatty acids” in that they cannot be synthesized by the body, and therefore must be obtained from the diet. The human body needs to consume fat in all forms, in order to make brain and eye tissue, as well as cell membranes for every living cell in our body. Quality of fat is critical. The type of fat that is ingested by the mother will set the foundation for the structural integrity of nerve cells as well as the phospholipid membrane of every other cell in its body.

DHA is important for the development of the central nervous system in all mammals. There is an enormous growth spurt in the human brain during the last trimester of pregnancy and the first postnatal months, with a large increase in the cerebral content of Arachidonic Acid (AA) and DHA. The fetus and the newborn infant depend on a continual maternal supply of DHA and AA.

Studies show that the maternal supply of Omega-3 fats is being preferentially shuttled from the mother’s own supply during pregnancy, primarily from her brain, and is directly transported through the placenta to the developing fetus.

If a pregnant mother is not eating fish on a regular basis then she may not be getting enough Omega 3s and it will leave her feeling depleted. Women who eat enough fish during pregnancy or supplement with a high-quality fish oil product are less likely to suffer from post-partum depression.

Several clinical trials have demonstrated that children of women who took fish oil supplementation during pregnancy and while nursing had higher IQs than children whose mothers received a placebo. Additionally, researchers found that women who ate less than 12 ounces of fish or other seafood a week while pregnant were more likely to have children with verbal and other developmental delays than women who ate more than 12 ounces each week. 

During Pregnancy, you need 250mg to 300mg DHA each day to help your baby's brain and eye develop.

(check the package label)